Tracy Abzug

Membership Chair, Board Member

Program Integrity Specialist

Tracy has over 15 years of experience working in the behavioral health field. She has worked in several settings including an inpatient psychiatric hospital, outpatient community-based, emergency departments, active military, and program compliance. This experience has provided Tracy an opportunity to see the behavioral healthcare system from different vantage points and understand how important residential programs are in the healthcare continuum.

Tracys professional interests are in serious mental illness, psychiatric crisis intervention, systemic influence, and innovation. She conducted a poster presentation at the National Council on Behavioral Health in 2016 and was interviewed and published by Mental Health News Weekly on innovative leadership. In 2017, she helped oversee the development and launch of Austin’s first and only non-hospital bed-based residential program that treats people who are involuntarily admitted. In 2020, Tracy supported the work of a local economist who completed an economic evaluation of a 16-bed residential program and then co-authored a paper titled “Economic Evaluation of a Crisis Residential Program” in Psychiatric Services. Tracy is also a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and Certified Acudetox Specialist. When not working, Tracy enjoys starting new craft projects and never finishing them, and spending time outdoors listening to live music.